1. This one is Important because If you know this, it will be easy to keep her happy. Remember every woman is different, so not everything you do for one woman will necessarily flatter another. Guys at least try to get to know her before making any suggestion or anything. By knowing her you will know just what to do and what to say to keep that beautiful smile on her face.
2. You should be doing this to everyone, but do it especially to her. " Talk to her with respect". Don't raise your voice at her and don't call her names. A woman is the most wonderful thing that god put in a man's life, "so treat her that way". It's not being or making you soft it's just making and showing that your a real man. ( A real man knows he has power and don't take it out on a female)
3. Most important rule in the book of love. ("DON'T CHEAT") If your with her no matter what you do "don't cheat on her". There is never a reason for that and no excuses for that. Your automatically wrong for what ever reason you said you did it for. (Because there is no reason, just be truthful!) If a woman shows and tells you that she loves you and gives you her heart take "care of it" ......... "DON'T CHEAT".
4. Never miss an opportunity to tell her she's beautiful. Never stop telling her how happy and lucky you really feel for having her in your life. Don't refuse to kiss or hug her in front of your friends. Even if they'll laugh at you (lol).... It just really means that their jealous. If you love her don't only tell her you do, show her you do. (Each and everyday).
5. To you guys that don't know how to touch a woman the secrete is "Nice, gentle and passionate". Don't be afraid to hold her hands or hold her in your arms. If she is with you in the first place, it's because she likes being in your arms. Women like feeling safe so hold her close and make her feel that way. (Don't be to shy lol she is yours)
6. While chilling with my guy friends...... I tend to hear this a lot "I F**** this girl". Guys, guys guys "Yeah" It feels good to brag about it but it's not nice. If you did or didn't sleep with her, don't go around telling your friends that you did. It's disrespectful, and such of a kid thing to do.
7. "Take her out" It can be anywhere, if she is a good girl she wont really care where. She will just be happy that you took her out and that your with her. If you take her out for dinner or anything needing money be a man, pay! unless she really and I mean really wants to pay for her self.
8. Any time she comes over or you went out with her, make sure she gets home safe. (Don't turn your back until your sure that she is safe) When you get home make sure you call her and checkup on her to make sure that she's okay. If your dropping her off, always walk her to the door. Don't just drop her and leave! (she is not a package!) She is a woman treat her like one.
9. For guys like me that got lots of female friends or catches the attention of females. (This is important for you to follow) If your talking to a female friend of yours make sure you pull your female as close as possible. If your anywhere and some other female is eye balling you hug your female.( Don't go eye flirting with that other female) Show her that there is no other woman in this world that you would choose over her. (Always introduce her to any female your talking to or know)
10. "Spend time with her"... Make time for her.... Tell your friends "sorry but I'm spending today with my babe". Do things together, watch a movie or play fight with her. (Remember females are fragile) So even if you do play fighting or wrestling with her, be very gentle and make sure she's having fun.
11. Guys you have to memorize her birthdays and other special occasions that are between you and her. "Always get her something" even when she tells you not to and even if it's not much. "Yeah" but not only on occasions or on her birthday, but from time to time you should just get her something to show her that she have been on your mind.
12. Females say a lot of thing that they don't actually mean, but this one they actually do mean it. "No"..... "Yeah guys, no means no". If your doing something that makes her uncomfortable, even something as simple as hugging her. ("no means no") Don't try and force anything cause then things will get weird to her. (That's a very bad sign) A lot of things will be running trough her head at that moment. So just stop it!
13. NEVER HIT A WOMAN! Even if she slaps you, curse at you, cheats on you or do you wrong in anyway. (Don't hit her) If she does any of the things I've mentioned or anything else. The best thing to do if you just can't take it, is leave. Never hit a woman! If you care for her leave and come back when she or you calm down a little. Hitting a woman is just making you unmanly. (Not a real man) DON'T HIT A WOMAN! (I personally think that guys who hit women or not man enough to face a next guy)
14. Always try your best to make her laugh, smile and happy it really matters. Stand up for her, treat her equally, Show her how much you care. (Don’t be ashamed to be romantic) Love and learn to appreciate her for who she is. Remember she is a woman and she is yours, so treat her like something precious..... "Like your Queen"
Well there is more but I don't want to make this to long..... just so you guys can fit it in your heads. If you follow this she will never see no other guy but you. She will truly love and trust you and that's when the hard work comes in. "Why?" Well because you have to do everything you can to keep that. As valuable as it is... It still can disrepair in a single second.... "Yeah"
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