
Saturday, May 11, 2013

How To Keep A Strong Relationship

Well I have not been in a million relationships but I have been in enough to know what it takes to make it work. I have been helping couples get back together after huge break-downs for years now. I also have been helping them stay strong and happy with each other in their relationshipsHere is some good ADV: No matter how old a relationship is or how apart its is, it can always stay strong an exciting as day one. All It takes is team work! Follow what I'm about to show you at the bottom with your spouse and your relationship will be the best one out there.

1. You must try connecting with each other more than just at home or on the phone. Have a connection routine! Yeah, If you have a car don't wait for him to say "lets go out" you call him and say "I'm picking you up cause we're going out". If you don't have a car ask him to take a walk and chat about your day. Doing things together and sharing little details makes it easier to discuss important stuff while connecting.

2.Try to fight less. Learn what makes him unhappy ask him about it he will be glad to tell you. (Trust me!) In fact you both should sit down grab a piece of paper and write down what don't like about each other. On top of that paper write down—DON'T FIGHT! Put your feelings down on that paper to and see if your feelings are more than the reasons you fight for. It will help you think through your anger.

3. Tell everyone around you that he is your man -give praise publicly. Don't hide the relationship! If you love him and your with him then show that to every one. Update your Facebook status with nice things about what your man has done for you. He can also do the same. It will help you both avoid the bad things and make you a well known and lovable team.

4Learn how to accept the differences between you and himYou might want to change some things about your spouse, but accepting that your both only human helps you see things from his perspective. Remember, there are things about you he doesn't like either, but puts up with them.

5. Show appreciation, show him how much he means to you. Stop hiding your feelings! Or the next female that show it to him will take him away from youThere are many ways of doing so.... You can buy him a small giftit doesn't have to be expensive. Tell him how you feelcall him more, hug him more and the simple things like that.

6. This one here always seems to make things better>Talk about the good times. Reminisce about the very first time you both got together. The very first touch, hug, kiss or even the first time you heard his voice. Ask him what made him fall in love with you? Remembering the good times only leads to more of them.

7. Be strong and confident take pride in yourself. No man on this earth wants to be with a woman that is insecure of her self. Here is some good ADV: If you dislike something about your self don't let it ruin your relationshipBe a strong woman and work on it.

 8.  Always discuss everything before taking any actionAlso talk about plans and things that both of you want to do in the future. Don't and never spend time with someone you know will try to get in your pants. Avoid being around guys! Make more girl friends that has a positive mind set. Here is some good ADV: Don't do anything or go anywhere you wouldn'do or go in front of his face. "Why?" Well because he will find out and when he does there won't be anymore trust for you and that right there just killed everything you have worked hard for.

And remember, it's not a competition. If both of you don't win, neither of you do. That doesn't mean you shouldn't compromise, it just means you should both be equally satisfied, even if neither of you are really getting your way all the time.

Like this blog? Got a questions about it? Well then please leave a comment and I'll get back to you. If you learned something new from this blog or it helped you in anyway. Lave me your testimonial about it:)
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